Fresh Ideas for a New Term

We’ve joined Pinterest!

Pinterest is an online ‘notice board’ for sharing ideas and inspiration.  Parents, children’s volunteers and local preachers are welcome to have a look and find resources for Bible stories, crafts and prayer- as well as encouragement and ideas for living our faith as a family at home.  Have fun!  (click on the image to go to our shiny new Pinterest board)


If you have any ideas our resources you’d like to pin on the board, get in touch!

Circuit Messy Morning

06-12 Circuit Messy Morning

The Circuit Messy Morning was a big success!

Volunteers from every church in the Circuit gathered on Saturday morning for some training led by Sylvia Lee, our District Children’s Worker. She even gave us some time to ‘get messy’ and try some prayer and worship stations ourselves. We finished the morning with a bring & share lunch and some good conversation.

Such a lovely time was had that many of us felt we should do it again sometime! So…. here’s your chance to have a say:

If we offered training and fellowship mornings through the year for our children & youth volunteers, what topics would you like to learn more about?

Post your thoughts below!

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere

Fishy-themed activities and crafts were enjoyed, and bubbles abounded at Waddington’s first messy church.


















Tasty sandwiches and cakes were prepared by members of the church, and we gathered together to hear the story of Jesus, Peter and the disciples’ breakfast on the beach.

The best thing about this tale, of course, is that we can all be part of the story…


Making a Joyful Noise

This gallery contains 12 photos.

The story of Palm Sunday is one of celebration.  And celebrate we did at Whalley’s first family church, ‘Palms, Praise & Pizza!’ Families from Whalley and all over the circuit joined us for crafts and activities, a journey to Jerusalem (allegedly ‘nicking’ a donkey along the way!), and a rousing version of ‘Sing Hosanna’.  We finished the […]